Who Is Really Undermining the Rule of Law?

Who Is Really Undermining the Rule of Law?

You hear it said in responsible quarters of the right that Democrats are undermining the rule of law by handing up an indictment of Donald Trump. Sure, they acknowledge, Trump has done terrible things, but by bringing this case, Democrats are twisting the law to get...
Who Is Really Undermining the Rule of Law?

News That Makes You Sick

In 2016, the prolific author and economist Thomas Sowell gave up his syndicated column after a quarter-century. A few months later, I asked him how it felt. He was delighted. The best part, he confided, was not having to read the news so assiduously every day. Hoo...
Who Is Really Undermining the Rule of Law?

A Nation Divided And A World In Turmoil

A happy, upbeat friend does not watch television news, whether national or local, does not read a newspaper and avoids discussing politics, religion or even sports. Self-employed, he found out about something called the coronavirus while driving to work the day the...