by editor | Feb 28, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
SOUTH CAROLINA: Camden Historical Advocate Passes Away CAMDEN — Two things stick out immediately on the tree-lined southbound road leaving Camden. There’s the towering stands of Zemp Stadium, where the community’s powerhouse high school football team plays beneath...
by editor | Feb 23, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
Washington — What is running through the mind of Russian President Vladimir Putin as 150,000 of his troops mass along the border of Ukraine? Military experts in the West say the Ukrainian defenders are no match for the Russians, though the Russian army has not been in...
by editor | Feb 23, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
Though the fighting stopped nearly 157 years ago, the American Civil War is still much on people’s minds. “Studying the Civil War is more important now than ever,” Caroline Janney said. “It was a period when our democracy was truly under attack, when one section of...
by editor | Feb 22, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
Not so long ago, Democrats seemed the party of the future. “Inevitable!” predicted some pundits, for demography is destiny. Moreover, in 2020, Democrats, who had won the popular vote six times in seven presidential elections, swept the popular vote again,...
by editor | Feb 22, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
SOUTH CAROLINA: SC Attorney General Threatens Lawsuit After Robert E. Lee Marker Removed By Charleston S.C. Attorney General Alan Wilson is threatening to sue the city of Charleston after a marker celebrating Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was quietly removed from a...
by editor | Feb 16, 2022 | Archive, Southern Partisan
In the past month, this column has twice addressed the unbridled propensity of federal intelligence agencies to spy on Americans without search warrants as required by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. These agencies believe that the Fourth Amendment —...