News From Around The South 1/10 to 1/17

News From Around The South 1/10 to 1/17

SOUTH CAROLINA: Lawsuit aiming to keep Calhoun statue in South Carolina moved to new court A lawsuit aimed at blocking attempts to lend the city of Charleston’s John C. Calhoun statue to a Los Angeles art exhibit has been moved to a new court. The case was originally...
A Republic Of Spies

A Republic Of Spies

Late last Friday, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center warned the American public against the dangers of spyware manufactured by one Israeli corporation. Spyware is unwanted software that can expose the entire contents of one’s mobile or laptop...
A Republic Of Spies

Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Warsaw Pact dissolved, the breakup of the USSR began. But the dissolution did not stop with the 14 Soviet “republics” declaring their independence of Moscow. Decomposition had only just begun. Transnistria broke...
News From Around the South 1/3 to 1/10

News From Around the South 1/3 to 1/10

SOUTH CAROLINA: S.C. Battlegrouund Preservation Trust Gets Federal Grant For Liberty Trail Project CHARLESTON, S.C. — History isn’t always easy to access or appreciate. We catch glimpses of it, consider certain episodes, sometimes engage in conversations about...