News From Around the South 12/20 to 12/27

News From Around the South 12/20 to 12/27

MISSOURI: Two pavers removed from newly opened park due to Civil War inscription JEFFERSON CITY, MO. — Mayor Carrie Tergin had two pavers removed from an Adrian’s Island plaza over concern they too closely resemble a Civil War monument the City Council removed...

The Lessons of History

Washington — Do you recall how often our friends the progressives have rushed to tell us how we can save conservatism from self-destruction? It seems just a year ago that they diagnosed sudden calamity for conservatism. Then they were quick to tell us that all we had...
News From Around The South 12/13 to 12/20

News From Around The South 12/13 to 12/20

ALABAMA: Hearing set on bid to dismiss suit over Confederate memorial TUSKEGEE, Ala. —  A hearing is set for early next year on a bid by a Confederate heritage group to dismiss a lawsuit over the land where a rebel monument stands in the middle of mostly black...
What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

Taking Christmas Seriously

We all know that God works in mysterious ways. Last weekend, two friends and I were deeply moved when we saw a theatrical production of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” This is the famous and popular tale of the transformation and redemption of...