News From Around The South 7/12 to 7/19

News From Around The South 7/12 to 7/19

LOUISIANA: Confederate Statue Removed After 99 Years  After standing nearly 100 years in downtown Lafayette, and serving as a flashpoint for local discussions around racial equity and justice for years, the statue of Confederate Gen. Alfred Mouton was whisked from its...
Does The Constitution Mean What It Says?

Does The Constitution Mean What It Says?

“No person … shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” — Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Abdulsalam al-Hela is a 53-year-old Yemeni cleric who has been incarcerated by the United States at the Guantanamo...
Does The Constitution Mean What It Says?

Are The Good Times Over For Biden?

Are the Democrats headed for their Little Bighorn, with President Joe Biden as Col. Custer? The wish, you suggest, is father to the thought. Yet, consider. On taking office, Biden held a winning hand. Three vaccines, with excellent efficacy rates, had been created and...
News From Around the South 7/5 to 7/12

News From Around the South 7/5 to 7/12

VIRGINIA: Local Author Traces Family’s Civil War History In New Novel ROCKINGHAM, Va. — Local author Sam McGee’s new book, “Cartledge Creek,” is based on the lives of his Civil War-era ancestors in Richmond County and their experiences during the war. It’s a...