Hurricanes Shaped Early Colonists’ Lives

Hurricanes Shaped Early Colonists’ Lives

We’re now well  into the annual hurricane season. Here in the Lowcountry, it’s always a question of when — not if — the next storm will come through. Even before Charleston’s first permanent European settlers arrived in 1670, tropical storms played a role in our...
News From Around the South 6/17 to 6/24

News From Around the South 6/17 to 6/24

SOUTH CAROLINA: How a Revolutionary War battle in SC helped name two Navy ships, a festival and a book When Revolutionary War troops fought the Battle of Cowpens in 1781, the name only made sense: The area, now near Spartanburg, was dotted with literal cow pens. In...
The Same 2 Men Will Debate, But They’re Not Their 2020 Selves

Crime In The Neighborhood

It happened right in front of my house. Last Friday morning, at 3:30 a.m. to be exact, my nanny heard noises. She went to the window and saw two men climbing under her late model Toyota Tacoma truck. She found her key fob and immediately sounded the alarm, and the two...