News From Around the South 9/11 to 9/18

News From Around the South 9/11 to 9/18

TENNESSEE: State defends GOP measure that protects Confederate monuments Five years ago — as part of a backlash against efforts in Memphis to remove a statue of Ku Klux Klan-founder Nathan Bedford Forrest from a city park — a Republican majority in the Tennessee...
Where does the South Begin?

Where does the South Begin?

More than a decade ago, on the first day of a college seminar titled “The American South,” Glenda Gilmore—one of the deans of Southern history—challenged my classmates and me to define the borders of the South. It was a surprisingly difficult task. Everyone agreed on,...
Will the Last Steelworker Out of Piittsburgh Please Turn Out the Light?

9/11 and the Politics of Evil

Three days after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the worst and most murderous attack on the United States in history, President George W. Bush declared “a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance.” He went to the National Cathedral and spoke to the...
News From Around the South, 9/4 to 9/11

News From Around the South, 9/4 to 9/11

SOUTH CAROLINA: Developers Have Black Families Struggling to Maintain Property, History PHILLIPS COMMUNITY, S.C. — The Rev. Elijah Smalls Jr. once grew okra, butter beans and other vegetables in the neighborhood where his family has lived near the South Carolina...