News From Around the South 11o 11/6

News From Around the South 11o 11/6

MISSOURI: Carthga Unveils New Civil War Canon CARTHAGE, Mo. — A new monument to the American Civil War and the hardship it caused in Carthage and Jasper County was dedicated Friday afternoon in Carthage’s Central Park. Dozens of residents and city officials gathered...
A Great Man in Moscow

A Great Man in Moscow

When the Trump administration obtained an indictment of Edward Snowden for violation of the Espionage Act of 1917, many of us who believe that the Fourth Amendment means what it says were deeply critical of the government, and we remain so today. Snowden is the former...
News From Around the South 10/23 to 10/30

News From Around the South 10/23 to 10/30

WASHINGTON — Last Army Base Ditches Confederate Namesake The Army on Friday redesignated the last of nine installations that had been named after Civil War-era Confederates, completing a process that began nearly three years ago with an order from Congress. The...
A Great Man in Moscow

Biden, War and the Constitution

Can the president fight any war he wishes? Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally? These questions should be critical to a public...