A Nation Divided And A World In Turmoil

A Nation Divided And A World In Turmoil

A happy, upbeat friend does not watch television news, whether national or local, does not read a newspaper and avoids discussing politics, religion or even sports. Self-employed, he found out about something called the coronavirus while driving to work the day the...
A Nation Divided And A World In Turmoil

Do Conservatives Oppose Change?

If you Google “what is conservatism?” this is the definition you will receive: “Commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.” This is but one more illustration of the lack of objectivity wherever the Left...
News From Around the South 3/20 to 3/27

News From Around the South 3/20 to 3/27

NORTH CAROLINA: Black Civil War Soldiers Finally Honored GOLDSBORO, N.C. — African Americans — among the first to volunteer to fight for the Union Army during the Civil War — have been among the last to get recognition for their service. But the men of the 135th...