by editor | Aug 29, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
This past week, the nation noted the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. The speech is without question a historic landmark, both in terms of recalling the unique stress of the time and in terms of...
by editor | Aug 29, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
GEORGIA: Savannah Renames Square After First Black Civil War Nurse A public square in Georgia’s oldest city has been renamed after a black woman who played a major role in the US Civil War. SAVANNAH, Ga. — Born into slavery in 1848, Susie King Taylor was...
by editor | Aug 24, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
The Milwaukee debate was a travesty. Not that the moderators asked the wrong questions (though, seriously, UFOs?) or that the candidates gave the wrong answers — rather, the entire format is guaranteed to elicit the kind of behavior that least conduces to good...
by editor | Aug 24, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
IT’S 1864, AND THE CIVIL War is raging. But southern secession isn’t the only danger threatening the Union. The United States has plenty of other enemies, foreign and domestic. If they got their way, this is what the formerly united states would look like—not two,...
by editor | Aug 22, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
As I noted in my column of several weeks ago, it’s a plus for everyone that Donald Trump will not show for the Republican debate. And now it’s official. He’s not showing up. Now we can have a debate about issues and not about Trump. Let’s also...
by editor | Aug 21, 2023 | Archive, Southern Partisan
VIRGINIA: Gold coins, a toothbrush and a bullet in the spine mark Civil War graves A circa 1893 lithograph showing the Battle of Williamsburg. Confederate soldiers were found buried at a site near a church used as a hospital during the Civil War. (Library of Congress)...