News From Around the South 8/21 to 8/28

News From Around the South 8/21 to 8/28

GEORGIA: Savannah Renames Square After First Black Civil War Nurse A public square in Georgia’s oldest city has been renamed after a black woman who played a major role in the US Civil War. SAVANNAH, Ga. — Born into slavery in 1848, Susie King Taylor was...
Our Sad Departure From Dr. King’s ‘Dream’

Change the Format of Debates

The Milwaukee debate was a travesty. Not that the moderators asked the wrong questions (though, seriously, UFOs?) or that the candidates gave the wrong answers — rather, the entire format is guaranteed to elicit the kind of behavior that least conduces to good...
Our Sad Departure From Dr. King’s ‘Dream’

Debaters Must Connect With Voters

As I noted in my column of several weeks ago, it’s a plus for everyone that Donald Trump will not show for the Republican debate. And now it’s official. He’s not showing up. Now we can have a debate about issues and not about Trump. Let’s also...
News From Around the South 8/14 to 8/21

News From Around the South 8/14 to 8/21

VIRGINIA: Gold coins, a toothbrush and a bullet in the spine mark Civil War graves A circa 1893 lithograph showing the Battle of Williamsburg. Confederate soldiers were found buried at a site near a church used as a hospital during the Civil War. (Library of Congress)...