The More the Merrier

The More the Merrier

Get ready for two more entries into the Republican race for the White House: Ron DeSantis, who has been unofficially running and is ready to really begin his campaign, and Sen. Tim Scott, the Black Republican, who this week officially jumped in the race. Scott, who is...
News From Around the South, 5/29 to 6/5

News From Around the South, 5/29 to 6/5

NORTH CAROLINA: Fort Bragg Drops Confederate Namesake in Army Rebranding FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — Fort Bragg shed its Confederate namesake to become Fort Liberty in a Friday ceremony some veterans said was a small but important step in making the U.S. Army more...
The More the Merrier

Tim Scott and the Republican Id

Watching Tim Scott’s announcement speech, I was struck by how differently I would have responded to his message 10 years ago. In 2013 I wrote: “It’s to their credit that Republicans are obsessed with getting the government to address its unconscionable and...