News From Around the South 11/28 to 12/5

News From Around the South 11/28 to 12/5

SOUTH CAROLINA: I-85 Confederate Flag Back in Spartanburg as Property Owners File Appeal SPARTANBURG — An appeal has been filed with Spartanburg County to allow a flagpole to remain on private property after the county notified the group the flagpole was in violation...
Shady Stock Trading by Federal Workers Further Erodes Public Trust in Government

Thanksgiving Lessons

Thursday, if you eat a nice meal, thank the Pilgrims. They made Thanksgiving possible. They left the Old World to escape religious persecution. They imagined a new society where everyone worked together and shared everything. In other words, they dreamed of socialism....

News From Around the South 11/21 to 11/28

VIRGINIA: Virginia Military Institute’s First Black Superintendent Facing Backlash From School Alumni An alumni group of the Virginia Military Institute is publicly questioning why the college’s first Black superintendent was awarded a more “generous” bonus than...
Shady Stock Trading by Federal Workers Further Erodes Public Trust in Government

Thanksgiving in America

“Government requires make-believe. Make believe that the king is divine, make believe that he can do no wrong or make believe that the voice of the people is the voice of God. Make believe that the people have a voice or make believe that the representatives of...