Iowa Republican Governor Attacked for ‘Racist’ Political Ad

Kirk, The Best Brother Ever, R.I.P.

My brother, Kirk Randolph Elder, died suddenly and unexpectedly, 16 days before his 70th birthday. He and Tresta, his wife of 41 years, had planned a trip to Hawaii, where they were going to celebrate Kirk’s birthday. Kirk was a retired supervisor at an oil...
The South’s 10 Best BBQ Places

The South’s 10 Best BBQ Places

Southern Living’s 50 best barbecue places is always a controversial list, but this year we have to agree wholeheartedly with its No. 1 (and most others). Here are the top 10, all credits to the magazine and its contributors. #10. Lewis Barbecue ANDREW CEBULKA...
Iowa Republican Governor Attacked for ‘Racist’ Political Ad

Taking Rights Seriously

“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, Mankind would be no more justified In silencing that one person, Than he, if he had the power, Would be justified in silencing mankind.” — John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The world is filled with self-evident...
News From Around the South 9/26 to 10/3

News From Around the South 9/26 to 10/3

WEST VIRGINIA: Wirt County Pioneer Days Goes On In Spite Of Cold, Rain ELIZABETH, W.V. — Having an outdoor event at the beginning of October means the weather is a roll of the dice. But even though the remnants of Hurricane Ian looked like a snake eyes for Wirt County...