Who Won the Taiwan War Games?

Who Won the Taiwan War Games?

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defied White House signals that she not stop in Taiwan on her valedictory tour of Asian capitals, she ignited the worst diplomatic U.S.-China row in decades. And how did last week’s collision turn out for the United States? Writes...
News From Around the South 8/1 to 8/8

News From Around the South 8/1 to 8/8

VIRGINIA: Governor’s Pick for State Historic Resources Board Resigns After Comments on Confederate Statues, Slavery RICHMOND, Va. — A historian appointed to the Virginia Board of Historic Resources by Gov. Glenn Youngkin has resigned from the board following...
Who Won the Taiwan War Games?

Presidents Kill Because They Can

What if the purpose of sending nearly $60 billion in cash and military aid to Ukraine is to extend the war Ukraine can only win if American troops become involved? What if the government is giving Ukraine more borrowed federal dollars in six months than...
What if…John Pope Had Invaded Canada?

What if…John Pope Had Invaded Canada?

Many (Emerging Civil War) readers will know (and perhaps take delight in the fact) that Major General John Pope was banished to Minnesota in the wake of his disastrous defeat at the battle of Second Bull Run. President Abraham Lincoln asked Pope to go west and oversee...
Who Won the Taiwan War Games?

Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?

When a man knows he is about to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully, said Dr. Samuel Johnson. If there is any benefit to be realized from the collision between China and the U.S. over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proposed trip to Taiwan, it...