A Republic of Spies

A Republic of Spies

In 2021, to his credit, President Joe Biden warned the American public against the dangers of zero-click spyware manufactured by an Israeli corporation. Zero-click is unwanted software that can expose the entire contents of one’s mobile or desktop device to...
News From Around the South, 1/20 to 1/27

News From Around the South, 1/20 to 1/27

GEORGIA: Former Georgia Southern Professor Publishes Novel On Founding of Savannah Yamacraw Bluff, a historical novel charting the trials and tribulations of Savannah’s founders, is gaining attention in Amazon’s top books in cultural history. The novel, written by...
A Republic of Spies

TikTok and the Freedom of Speech

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…” —First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution During the oral argument before the Supreme Court in the famous Pentagon Papers case, a fascinating colloquy took place...