Slouching Toward Fascism

Slouching Toward Fascism

Fascism is a governmental system in which the means of economic production and delivery of services are privately owned but government-controlled. Throughout history — before even getting to its racism and wars — fascism has led to the glorification of the state and...
News From Around the South 11/28 to 12/5

News From Around the South 11/28 to 12/5

SOUTH CAROLINA: I-85 Confederate Flag Back in Spartanburg as Property Owners File Appeal SPARTANBURG — An appeal has been filed with Spartanburg County to allow a flagpole to remain on private property after the county notified the group the flagpole was in violation...
Slouching Toward Fascism

Thanksgiving Lessons

Thursday, if you eat a nice meal, thank the Pilgrims. They made Thanksgiving possible. They left the Old World to escape religious persecution. They imagined a new society where everyone worked together and shared everything. In other words, they dreamed of socialism....

News From Around the South 11/21 to 11/28

VIRGINIA: Virginia Military Institute’s First Black Superintendent Facing Backlash From School Alumni An alumni group of the Virginia Military Institute is publicly questioning why the college’s first Black superintendent was awarded a more “generous” bonus than...