Want to Soak the Rich? Tax University Endowments

Republicans are searching for ways to "pay for" their tax cuts. Democrats want the rich to pay more tax. Here's a solution that should make everyone happy. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith is suggesting a tax on the $840 billion college endowments....

News From Around the South, 3/3 to 3/10

NORTH CAROLINA: Bragg to Liberty and back Again: Ceremony Rechristens Army Post Once Named for a Confederate FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) — The short-lived existence of Fort Liberty came to an end Friday when the nation’s largest Army installation officially returned to...

Taking Rights Seriously

"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, Mankind would be no more justified In silencing that one person, Than he, if he had the power, Would be justified in silencing mankind." — John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) The...

News From Around the South, 2/24 to 3/3

TEXAS: State Celebrates Texas Independence Day It was on March 2, 1836, when historians believe the original and five copies of the Texas Declaration of Independence were written and signed by 59 men at Washington-on-the-Brazos. Texans now know the day as Texas...

Open For Corruption

Is America open for corruption now? Unabashedly? Nakedly? Are we tossing aside not just our hard-won victories over infectious diseases but also the more than hundred-year battle against fraud, bribery and graft? Honest, clean government doesn't follow automatically...

America Joins the Jackals

As I watched election returns on the evening of Nov. 5, 2024, I was struck by the sense that Americans had missed the memo. Across the nation, in blue states as well as red, county after county showed a marked rightward shift. It was so seemingly normal. What do you...

News From Around the South, 2/17 to 2/24

SOUTH CAROLINA: SC museum procures Revolutionary War artifacts for 250th exhibit Two Revolutionary War-era items are entering the Charleston Museum's collection of 2.4 million artifacts in time for a special exhibit next year honoring the 250th anniversary of the...

Obiter Dicta

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  • NORTH CAROLINA: Bragg to Liberty and back Again: Ceremony Rechristens Army Post Once Named for a Confederate FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) — The short-lived existence of Fort Liberty came to an Read More